
Vanilla, strongly-typed store accessor.

Actions are async functions that have access to the Vuex instance and are passed a context object and optional payload.

This package provides a helper function to reduce boilerplate: actionTree. This function adds typings and returns the actions passed to it, without transforming them.

If you use the helper function, only the commit method is typed - and only for mutations within the module.
  1. Even if you do not use the actionTree helper function, make sure not to use the ActionTree type provided by Vuex. This will interfere with type inference. You won't lose out by omitting it, as Typescript will complain if you pass an incompatible action into the getAccessorType function.

  2. This package does not support object-style dispatches.

Referencing other modules

If you need to reference other modules, or dispatch actions within the module, it should be done in a type-safe way through$accessor. You will need to add a return type to your action to avoid TypeScript complaining about self-referential type definitions. For example:

export const actions = actionTree(
  { state, getters, mutations },
    async resetEmail(): Promise<void> {$accessor.anotherModule.doSomething()

Should your IDE not properly recognize type declarations setup as described in these instructions, you may want to explicitly define accessor types like in the following examples:

export const actions = actionTree(
  { state, getters, mutations },
    async resetEmail(): Promise<void> {
      // accessor as an explicitly typed constant
      const accessor: typeof accessorType =$accessor

      // inline type definition
      ($accessor as typeof accessorType).anotherModule.doSomething()


import { actionTree } from 'typed-vuex'
import { Context } from '@nuxt/types'

export const actions = actionTree(
  { state, getters, mutations },
    async resetEmail({ commit, dispatch, getters, state }) {
      // Typed
      let a =
      let b = state._email

      // Not typed

      // Typed$accessor.resetEmail()
    async nuxtServerInit(_vuexContext, nuxtContext: Context) {
import { Context } from '@nuxt/types'

export const actions = {
  async resetEmail(
    this: Store<RootState>,
    { state, commit }: ActionContext<RootState, RootState>,
    payload: string
  ) {
    // Typed

    // Not typed - avoid

    // Typed$accessor.initialiseStore()
  async nuxtServerInit(
    _vuexContext: ActionContext<RootState, RootState>,
    nuxtContext: Context
  ) {